What is Keno Casino Game

Keno is an entertaining casino game that is a bit like a lottery. To play, you pick some numbers between 1 and 80, hoping they will be your lucky ones. Then, the game randomly picks a bunch of numbers, just like in bingo. You win if many of your numbers are the same as those drawn. Here are some strategies to increase your winning chances.
what is keno casino game

Types of Keno Casino Game

Although Keno has many types or variations, the most popular ones are:

Keno Variation Specific Features
Standard Keno The classic version. You wait for the draw after choosing numbers.
Caveman Keno Features three wildcards that can boost your wins.
Cleopatra Keno Hit the marked spot with your last ball for free games.
Klub Keno The StarBall can double your potential payout.
Power Keno Play multiple cards simultaneously for more chances.
Superball Keno The Superball offers a 4x win multiplier.
Jackpot Keno Progressive jackpot grows with each player.
Themed Keno Fun visuals and themes enhance the gameplay.
Bonus Keno Includes extra bonus rounds for bigger win potential.
Mini Keno A smaller-scale version of the classic game.

How To Play Keno

what is keno casino game

Keno is an interesting game that attracts players to try their luck and win big. Here are the steps to play the game:

Get Your Keno Card

First things first, you will need a keno card. In a physical casino, you can find these at designated keno lounges. The card will automatically appear on your screen if you are playing in an online casino.

Mark Your Spots

The keno card will display numbers from 1 to 80. These are your “keno spots.” Take a look and choose the numbers you think are lucky for this game. Mark them clearly on your card.

How Much to Bet?

Once you have chosen your lucky numbers, decide how much money you want to wager on them. Remember, this is your bet amount.

Drawing the Numbers

The exciting part of the game is drawing the numbers. The game will choose a set of numbers based on the RNG algorithm. Watch closely to see if your chosen spots match the drawn numbers.

Winning and Collecting Your Payout

You have won if a sufficient number of your chosen spots match the drawn numbers. You can then claim your prize at the cashier’s cage (in a physical casino). However, when you play in an online casino, the platform will directly credit the winnings to your account. Remember, how you choose your numbers does not affect your odds of winning.

Keno Strategies and Tips

what is keno casino game

If you want to increase your chances of winning Keno games, follow the strategies and tips below:

  • Find the Games with the Highest Payouts
  • Get Familiar with the Odds
  • Sweet Spot for Number Selection
  • Don’t Predict Keno Results
  • Manage Your Pace
  • Look Out for Hot and Cold Numbers
  • Take Advantage of Bonuses

Find Games with the Highest Payouts

Not all Keno games are created equal. Some versions, especially those found in online casinos, often have a higher percentage payout rate than others. Here is how to find games with potentially higher payouts:

  • Look for online casino reviews that mention payout rates for specific Keno games.
  • Look for “RTP” percentages on the casino website or app. Aim for games with an RTP of 90% or higher.
  • If you are unsure about payout rates, don’t hesitate to contact the casino’s customer support team directly.

Get Familiar with the Odds

The odds of winning in Keno rely on how many numbers you pick and how many of those numbers get drawn. The more numbers you choose, the harder it is to match them all, but the bigger the potential payout if you do. My teammates here at Dubai Casino believe that:

  • Matching a small number of numbers (like 2 or 3) is fairly common, but the payout is not very high.
  • Matching many numbers (like 8 or more) is much less likely, but the payout is significant.

The best way to get familiar with the odds for a specific Keno game is to check the paytable at the casino or online platform where you are playing. The paytable will show you the payout amount for matching different numbers of selections.

Sweet Spot For Number Selection

Many Keno players believe picking between four and eight numbers offers a good balance. Let’s say you are playing a Keno game that draws 20 numbers out of 80. Picking four numbers gives you a decent chance of matching at least one or two numbers, which might result in a small win to keep you going.

On the other hand, picking eight numbers means you have a shot at a larger payout if you are lucky enough to match a good portion of them. It is a balance between potential rewards and the likelihood of winning something.

Don’t Predict Keno Results

Keno results are completely random. Each number has an equal chance of being drawn in every round. There is no way to predict which numbers will come up next, regardless of what numbers were drawn in previous games.

For example, you are playing Keno, and the numbers 10, 22, and 37 come up. You might think these numbers are less likely to appear in the next round since they were just drawn. But this is not true. No matter what numbers came before, every number holds a 1 in 80 chance of getting selected on each pull.

Focusing on past results is a common gambler’s fallacy, and it can lead you to make bad decisions. Instead, focus on picking numbers you like or using a strategy that helps you manage your bankroll.

Manage Your Pace

There are many benefits of managing your pace in Keno:

  • Stretch your bankroll for longer play.
  • Make better decisions by avoiding rush bets.
  • Stay in control of spending and reduce risk.
  • Enjoy the game more with less stress.

In addition, set a time limit for each Keno round, giving yourself enough time to choose your numbers carefully without feeling pressured. Take breaks in between games to clear your head and avoid chasing losses. Consider playing with smaller bets to make your bankroll last longer. If you play online, consider setting deposit limits to manage your spending.

Keno Odds and Payouts

what is keno casino game

Figuring out your potential winnings in Keno depends on a few things. First, consider the odds, which are the chances of your chosen numbers getting drawn. Picking more numbers can improve your odds but typically decreases potential payouts.

Next, consider your “catches” (how many of your numbers match those drawn) and the total numbers you picked. These directly impact how much you might win. Keno payouts are often based on a $1 betting; some jackpots can reach massive amounts.

Online Keno Vs. Live Keno

Here is a detailed comparison of online Keno and Live Keno games.

Feature Online Keno Live Keno
Setting Virtual platform (websites, apps) Physical casino or dedicated Keno lounge
Game Pace Player-controlled, can be fast or slow Set pace determined by the casino
Availability 24/7 access Tied to casino operating hours
Number Choice Often wider range of numbers to choose from May have a slightly more limited selection
Payout Tables Easier to compare between games and casinos Payout is standardized within a single casino
Social Aspect Limited interaction Potential for socializing with other players
Bonuses Frequent promotions and bonuses Less likely to find bonuses specific to Keno
Atmosphere Convenient, play from anywhere Immersive casino environment, potential excitement

History Of Keno

The lottery-style keno game has surprisingly ancient roots. It is said to have started in China over 2,000 years ago. Some people believe that the game even helped save a city during a war and contributed to building the Great Wall of China.

The Chinese name for Keno referred to “white pigeon tickets,” likely connected to an earlier game version. Players used printed sheets with Chinese characters to choose their lucky symbols. When Chinese workers traveled to America in the 1800s to work on the railway, they brought Keno with them.

The game caught on, adapted with numbers instead of characters, and even got a gambling twist called “Race-Horse Keno.” Today, Keno remains a popular casino game worldwide.

Final Words About Keno – A Game of Luck & Strategy

Keno is a casino classic that combines the thrill of the lottery with a dash of strategy. While it is ultimately a game of chance, smart choices about the games you play, the number of spots you choose, and managing your bankroll can maximize your enjoyment. Like any lottery-style game, the key is to have fun and play responsibly. Ready to give Keno a try?


Written By

Adrian is an esteemed author and editor at Dubai Casino. He meticulously researches and plays at various casinos, examining their features, payment methods, games, and bonuses. His comprehensive reviews provide accurate and valuable information to online casino enthusiasts in Dubai, ensuring they have the best gaming experience. His dedication to detail sets him apart in the industry.