How Many Roulette Spins Per Hour

Have you ever wondered how many roulette spins per hour? Well, it is not a fixed number because the pace varies depending on several factors. These include the roulette type, live or online, and the dealer’s skill. However, it is important to understand the average spin rate because it allows players to strategize their bets. Today’s article will discuss the details of how many spins you can expect in an hour of roulette.
How Many Roulette Spins Per Hour

The Number of Roulette Spins Per Hour

Number of Players Estimated Spins Per Hour (Fast Pace) Estimated Spins Per Hour (Average Pace) Estimated Spins Per Hour (Slow Pace)
1 60-70 50-60 40-50
2-3 50-60 40-50 30-40
4-5 40-50 30-40 25-35
6-8 30-40 25-35 20-30

How Many Roulette Spins Per Hour

Factors Affecting Spins Per Hour

So, what are the factors affecting roulette spins per hour? Several elements influence this, such as:

  • Type of roulette
  • Live vs Online casino
  • Dealer skill
  • Number of Players
  • Casino pace

Let me discuss all these factors one by one so you understand how many roulette spins per hour are influenced by each of them.

Type of Roulette

How Many Roulette Spins Per Hour

The type of wheel you play significantly affects the number of spins per hour. For example, American roulette has a double zero (00) pocket compared to French and European roulette. So, the American wheel has 38 pockets and not 37.

Similarly, this increases the time for the ball to settle. As a result, it affects the wheel’s overall pace. On the other hand, French and European roulette have faster spin rates. Therefore, the number of slots on a roulette wheel matters.

Live Vs. Online

The number of spins per hour also depends on whether you play with a live dealer or in an online casino. Most live casinos are open 24/7. Still, live dealers have a human pace, which includes:

  • Spinning the wheel
  • Waiting for bets
  • Announcing the winning number
  • Managing payouts

So, this takes a bit longer than the automated process at an online roulette game. At an online casino, the wheel spins, and the screen displays the results instantly.

Dealer Skill

Every casino has a dealer with a different skill set. Although some dealers may share similarities, most of them I have encountered so far have different experiences. For example, a seasoned dealer has excellent rhythm skills due to years of practice. So he or she can handle bets and payouts without any issues. At the same time, an experienced dealer can keep the wheel spinning consistently. On the other hand, a new dealer is slightly slower.

Number of Players

How Many Roulette Spins Per Hour

More players at the table means each round will take a slightly longer time. I believe this is because each casino player needs some time to place their bets. Likewise, the dealer needs time to collect losing bets and distribute winnings. So, if the table is full, it can reduce the number of roulette spins per hour, slowing the game. In contrast, a table with fewer players means more spins per hour.

Casino Pace

I have played at many land-based and online casinos. In some casinos, the authorities encourage dealers and players to play at a faster pace. You may wonder why casinos would do this. Well, there are several reasons. I think a casino wants to increase the number of games per hour. Some of my friends believe those casinos cater to players who prefer a quick roulette game.

How To Calculate a Rough Estimate?

I believe it is impossible to calculate the exact number of roulette spins per hour. However, I have a way to make an educated estimate based on the factors I have discussed above.

So, if you are in a busy casino with expert dealers and fewer players at the table, you will see an average of 60 spins per hour. However, if you are playing in a normal casino with a mix of dealer and player speeds, the number of spins is 40 to 50 per hour.

On the other hand, a slow-paced casino with a more relaxed atmosphere has an estimated number of 30 to 40 roulette spins per hour. Moreover, online roulette games are faster than land-based casino games due to automation and Random Number Generator (RNG) technology. So, you can expect 100 to 200 roulette spins per hour.

Remember, the number of roulette spins per hour in an online casino depends on the software it uses and whether you play alone or with friends!

Here is a rough estimation table based on my observation and playing roulette at different casinos. Remember, these are rough estimates. The situation may change due to unexpected events. For example, a player may take more time to decide on betting.

Estimation Table Based on My Experience with Roulette

Live/Online Pace Estimated Spins Per Hour
Online N/A 100 to 200
Live Fast 50 to 60
Live Average 40 to 50
Live Slow 30 to 40

I was in a busy casino in Las Vegas. It was Friday night with a full table. I played the game with an experienced dealer. So, I could say it was around 45 roulette spins per hour. On the other hand, I have also played in European casinos with a more relaxed atmosphere.

I noticed that the number of spins per hour is less than those I experienced in Las Vegas. It was 35 spins per hour because fewer players were at the table. I look forward to playing roulette at Ras Al Khaimah Casino in the future. I will surely share my experience with you guys.

Practical Implications of Roulette Spins Per Hour

Does it matter to calculate or consider the number of roulette spins per hour? I think so because it can help you make good decisions at the table. Strategy consideration is the biggest advantage of considering the number of spins. If you bet on multiple numbers of sections, more spins will increase your chances of hitting and winning.

Similarly, you may play with the Martingale strategy, which is when you double down after losses. Now, you don’t have enough time to recover if you have a slower spin rate. So, the game’s pace with this strategy matters – of course, in this scenario, it does!

Final Words About Roulette Spins Per Hour

Again, I must say there is no fixed number for the number of roulette spins per hour. The reason is the dynamic nature of the game. Several factors influence the spin rate. So, there is no single answer to “how many roulette spins per hour.” Follow the tips and tricks I shared in this post to streamline your strategy and increase your winning chances, whether you play at Las Vegas, a European Casino, or the upcoming Ras Al Khaimah Casino in the UAE or an online casino.


Written By

Adrian is an esteemed author and editor at Dubai Casino. He meticulously researches and plays at various casinos, examining their features, payment methods, games, and bonuses. His comprehensive reviews provide accurate and valuable information to online casino enthusiasts in Dubai, ensuring they have the best gaming experience. His dedication to detail sets him apart in the industry.